We look at the players battles for Match 5 of KCA TCM Presidents Cup T20 to be played between ROY vs EAG. We will also have the KCA Royals vs KCA Eagles player records and player head to head records.

ROY vs EAG player battle, player records and player head to head records for Match 5, KCA TCM Presidents Cup T20 2025

ROY Bowlers Last Two Years Stats

M - No. Of Matches, ADO - Avg. Death Over, APO - Avg. Powerplay Overs

Player Name M Total Wkts Avg. Wkts Avg. 1st Ing Avg. 2nd Ing ADO APO
Akhil Scaria (RMF) 32 53 1.7 1.8 1.5 1.8 1.1
Fazil Fanoos (RM) 35 39 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.3 2.3
Jerin PS (SLO) 28 34 1.2 1.1 1.2 1 1.3
Akhil Dev V (RMF) 14 24 1.7 2.8 1.1 1.8 1
Vinil TS (LMF) 22 20 0.9 1.3 0.1 1.2 2.2
Mohammed Ishaaq (SLO) 11 15 1.4 1.6 1 1.3 1.3
Vishnu TM (LS) 9 11 1.2 1.6 - 1 2
Afrad Nazar (LS) 7 8 1.1 0.5 1.4 1 2
Shoun Roger (OB) 5 4 0.8 - 1.3 - -
Jobin Joby (RF) 5 1 0.2 - 0.3 - -
Abi Biju (SLO) 6 1 0.2 0.3 - 1 1.3

EAG Bowlers Last Two Years Stats

M - No. Of Matches, ADO - Avg. Death Over, APO - Avg. Powerplay Overs

Player Name M Total Wkts Avg. Wkts Avg. 1st Ing Avg. 2nd Ing ADO APO
Sijomon Joseph (SLO) 29 34 1.2 1.4 1.1 1 1.3
Rahul Chandran (LMF) 26 29 1.1 1.3 0.9 1.3 1.9
Ajith Vasudevan (SLO) 30 29 1 1.1 0.9 1 1.4
Suresh Vishweshwar (RMF) 18 20 1.1 1.2 1 1.3 1.4
Abijith Praveen (RM) 12 13 1.1 1.2 1 1 1
Shine John Jacob (OB) 11 12 1.1 0.5 1.2 1 1
Vijay Vishwanath (SLO) 5 11 2.2 1 2.5 - 1
Jose Perayil 12 9 0.8 0.7 0.8 1 1.6
J Anantha krishnan (OB) 6 8 1.3 1 2 - -
Akshay Manohar (OB) 13 7 0.5 0.6 0.5 - -
Athif Bin Ashraf (RMF) 1 - - - - - 1
Anuj Jotin (OS) 1 - - - - - -
Anand Krishnan (RS) 2 - - - - - -

ROY Batters Last Two Years Stats

M - No. Of Matches, R - Runs, A/R - Avg. Run

Player Name M R A/R Avg. 1st Ing Avg. 2nd Ing SR vs Pacers SR vs Spinner
Riya Basheer (RHB) 24 599 25 30.8 22.1 117.1 113.8
Shoun Roger (RHB) 29 581 20 21 18.8 128.9 96
Nikhil Thottath (RHB) 23 472 20.5 19.3 22.8 143.5 124.3
Akhil Scaria (LHB) 26 422 16.2 18 11.4 121 112.1
Jobin Joby (RHB) 16 337 21.1 21.2 20.3 107.8 127.4
Fazil Fanoos (RHB) 17 119 7 4.2 11 117.6 130
Jerin PS (LHB) 15 95 6.3 6.5 5.8 142 120
Kamil Aboobacker (LHB) 2 52 26 32 20 126.9 100
Vipul Shakti (LHB) 2 43 21.5 21.5 - 107.1 90.3
Vinil TS (LHB) 7 28 4 6 3.2 183.3 65.4
Abi Biju (LHB) 3 11 3.7 4 3.5 66.7 140
Afrad Nazar (RHB) 6 8 1.3 1.5 1 40 33.3
Vishnu TM (RHB) 2 5 2.5 5 - 166.7 -
Akhil Dev V (RHB) 3 4 1.3 1.3 - 40 50
Rohith K R (RHB) 2 2 1 1 1 100 14.3
Mohammed Ishaaq (RHB) 3 1 0.3 - 0.3 25 -

EAG Batters Last Two Years Stats

M - No. Of Matches, R - Runs, A/R - Avg. Run

Player Name M R A/R Avg. 1st Ing Avg. 2nd Ing SR vs Pacers SR vs Spinner
Anand Krishnan (LHB) 30 897 29.9 36.1 21.8 100.9 155.6
Vishnu Raj (RHB) 36 627 17.4 13.7 21.1 100 111.9
Akshay Manohar (RHB) 23 564 24.5 33.4 18.8 113.4 128.7
Anuj Jotin (RHB) 18 430 23.9 23.5 24.4 111.5 96.9
Sijomon Joseph (LHB) 17 299 17.6 19 13 115.7 106.3
Bharath Soorya (RHB) 18 225 12.5 13.3 12.1 100 108.1
Appu Prakash (RHB) 15 205 13.7 11.8 15.9 89.8 79.7
J Anantha krishnan (RHB) 14 131 9.4 5.3 13.4 123.4 130.4
Abijith Praveen (RHB) 14 124 8.9 11.1 4.8 138.5 136
Shine John Jacob (RHB) 5 69 13.8 14.8 10 100 89.1
Anandhu Sunil (RHB) 4 66 16.5 21 12 67.9 92.2
Jose Perayil 8 63 7.9 8.4 7 84.2 58.5
Mohammed Kaif (RHB) 5 48 9.6 11.7 6.5 133.3 320
Vijay Vishwanath (LHB) 3 8 2.7 4 2 120 33.3
Ajith Vasudevan (LHB) 3 5 1.7 2.5 - 62.5 -
Rahul Chandran (RHB) 4 5 1.3 1.3 - 50 -
Suresh Vishweshwar (RHB) 1 1 1 1 - 16.7 -

ROY vs EAG, Player Head to Head Battle (T20)

Sijomon Joseph ( EAG | AR ) (LHB)

Player Name Runs Balls Strike Rate Outs
Fazil Fanoos (RM) 11 8 137.5 1
Akhil Scaria (RMF) 10 9 111.1 2
Mohammed Ishaaq (SLO) 0 3 0 1
Afrad Nazar (LS) 0 2 0 1

Vishnu Raj ( EAG | WK ) (RHB)

Player Name Runs Balls Strike Rate Outs
Fazil Fanoos (RM) 27 26 103.8 1
Akhil Scaria (RMF) 17 15 113.3 2
Vinil TS (LMF) 25 16 156.3 1
Mohammed Ishaaq (SLO) 0 2 0 1
Afrad Nazar (LS) 1 2 50 1
Vishnu TM (LS) 25 21 119 1

Anand Krishnan ( EAG | BAT ) (LHB)

Player Name Runs Balls Strike Rate Outs
Fazil Fanoos (RM) 28 23 121.7 2
Akhil Scaria (RMF) 10 17 58.8 2
Vinil TS (LMF) 19 21 90.5 1
Jerin PS (SLO) 6 8 75 1

J Anantha krishnan ( EAG | AR ) (RHB)

Player Name Runs Balls Strike Rate Outs
Fazil Fanoos (RM) 1 5 20 1
Abi Biju (SLO) 0 1 0 1
Akhil Scaria (RMF) 2 3 66.7 2

Anuj Jotin ( EAG | BAT ) (RHB)

Player Name Runs Balls Strike Rate Outs
Vinil TS (LMF) 13 14 92.9 2
Mohammed Ishaaq (SLO) 11 10 110 1
Afrad Nazar (LS) 15 12 125 2

Bharath Soorya ( EAG | WK ) (RHB)

Player Name Runs Balls Strike Rate Outs
Fazil Fanoos (RM) 13 11 118.2 1

Akshay Manohar ( EAG | AR ) (RHB)

Player Name Runs Balls Strike Rate Outs
Jerin PS (SLO) 15 11 136.4 1

Akhil Scaria ( ROY | AR ) (LHB)

Player Name Runs Balls Strike Rate Outs
Sijomon Joseph (SLO) 4 4 100 1
Shine John Jacob (OB) 6 10 60 1

Shoun Roger ( ROY | BAT ) (RHB)

Player Name Runs Balls Strike Rate Outs
Sijomon Joseph (SLO) 17 21 81 1
Rahul Chandran (LMF) 1 3 33.3 2
Ajith Vasudevan (SLO) 53 44 120.5 1

Nikhil Thottath ( ROY | WK ) (RHB)

Player Name Runs Balls Strike Rate Outs
Athif Bin Ashraf (RMF) 4 3 133.3 1
Suresh Vishweshwar (RMF) 5 3 166.7 1
Abijith Praveen (RM) 6 2 300 1

Riya Basheer ( ROY | BAT ) (RHB)

Player Name Runs Balls Strike Rate Outs
Vijay Vishwanath (SLO) 2 5 40 1

Appu Prakash ( EAG | BAT ) (RHB)

Player Name Runs Balls Strike Rate Outs
Akhil Scaria (RMF) 4 6 66.7 1
Vinil TS (LMF) 3 7 42.9 1
Vishnu TM (LS) 3 8 37.5 1

Anandhu Sunil ( EAG | BAT ) (RHB)

Player Name Runs Balls Strike Rate Outs
Fazil Fanoos (RM) 0 1 0 1

Shine John Jacob ( EAG | AR ) (RHB)

Player Name Runs Balls Strike Rate Outs
Mohammed Ishaaq (SLO) 2 5 40 1

Jobin Joby ( ROY | BAT ) (RHB)

Player Name Runs Balls Strike Rate Outs
Suresh Vishweshwar (RMF) 0 1 0 1
Ajith Vasudevan (SLO) 3 10 30 1